WordPress Speed Care Plan

Pre-compiled. WordPress sites optimised for speed.

In the video I clear the browser cache before loading pages fresh from the server (no browser caching).

Don't rely on numbers output from Google PageSpeed, GTMetrix or other speed testing software. What matters is the real-world experience of your visitors.

Test run from: Gold Coast
Server location: Sydney

Going In-Depth

All aspects of your website are looked at in detail to determine pain points suitable for optimisation.

We use LSCache to deliver superior performance. LSCache is a server-level cache, so it's faster than PHP-level caches.

A page cache allows the server to bypass PHP and database queries altogether. LSCache, because of its close relationship with the server, can remember things about the cache entries and it can analyse dependencies. It manages smart purging of the cache, and it can serve multiple versions of cached content based on things like mobile vs. desktop and geographic location.

Optimisation includes features such as Database Optimisation, Minification and Combination of CSS and JS files, HTTP/2 Push, Browser Cache, Object Cache, Lazy Load for Images, and Image Optimisation!
